Friday, 15 March 2013

IdFix 1.0 Release (Indesign to Fixed layout ePub Converstion Tool)

We are happy to release IdFix 1.0 (Indesign to Fixed layout epub conversion tool). using this tool you can convert indesign document to interactive fixed layout epub.

 IdFix Features:
1. Convert active indesign document to fixed layout epub
2. Convert HTML widget to interactive html content in epub
3. Convert adobe edge animate widget into interactive content in epub file
4. Custom controls for change text content to image
5. Table contents are converted as HTML table content

How to use IdFix?           
            Open Idfix.exe from installation folder or click Programs -> IdFix -> IdFix.exe

  1. Open indesign doument in Indesign CS6 application
  2. Enter/Choose epub output folder
  3. Select book cover image (optional)
  4. Enter book title : Optional field
(If book title field is empty, indesign document title will be treated as epub title)
  1. Enter book author : Optional field
(If book author field is empty, indesign document author will be treated as epub author)
  1. Click convert button
  2. Epub file will be generated and placed in output folder path.
 Using “Set image” / “Set Text”

If you want set text frame as “image”, select text frames from indesign document and click “Set image” button. Some way you can change that text frames as text content using “Set Text” button

HTML Widgets

Use “Insert HTML” option for inserting html widget into document, this widget will be converted into output epub file

 Using Adobe Edge animate widget

Choose “Animate deployment package” for publishing from edge animate, and export as edge animate widget file (.oam file)

Insert edge animate widget file (.oam file) using “Place” (Ctrl+ D) option in indesign. This animated widget will be converted as animated content in fixed layout epub file.

Get Trial page license :
How to install IdFix?

1.      Run setup.exe and follow the instruction
2.      Get epubidfix.lic (page license file) from
3.      Place license file into application installed folder (ex: “c:\Program File\IdFix\epubidfix.lic”)
4.      If you get any error message write query to
5.      Pagelog.txt file generated in application path for page track.

If you get error message “Registry access is not allowed”, please refer this page :

Software Requirement:
  • Microsoft windows XP / Vista / Windows7
  • Adobe Indesign CS6
  • 1GB memory
  • Internet connection (for web-service controls)
  • .Net framework 4.0

For more info contact :