We are happy to release IdFix 1.3 (Indesign to Fixed layout epub conversion tool). using this tool you can convert indesign document to interactive fixed layout epub.
Version 1.3 Update:
- DPI value added into conversion process (optional) [Default value is 150 dpi]
- Bug fix (PNG export error)
- Bug fix (image overlapped with text content)
Download IdFix: http://epubfix.blogspot.in/p/download.html
Get Trial page license : epub.net.in/epubnet/Tools/FreeTrial.aspx
How to install IdFix?
1. Run setup.exe and follow the instruction
2. Get epubidfix.lic (page license file) from admin support (vickypatel2020@gmail.com)
3. Place license file into application installed folder (ex: “c:\Program File\IdFix\epubidfix.lic”)
4. If you get any error message write query to vickypatel2020@gmail.com
5. Pagelog.txt file generated in application path for page track.
Notes :
1. Don't use space in filename (una historia de amor.indd, una historia de amor.oam). it should be like : unahistoriadeamor.oam, unahistoriadeamor.indd
2. Test with more than three pages
1. Don't use space in filename (una historia de amor.indd, una historia de amor.oam). it should be like : unahistoriadeamor.oam, unahistoriadeamor.indd
2. Test with more than three pages
Software Requirement:
- Microsoft windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / Windows8
- Adobe Indesign CS6
- 1GB memory
- Internet connection (for web-service controls)
- .Net framework 4.0
For more info contact : sam@epub.net.in